Gavin and Stacey Wiki
Gavin Shipman
Nicknames Gav, Gavlar
Relatives Pam Shipman (mother)
Mick Shipman (father)
Christine (aunt)
John (cousin)
Trevor West (father-in-law)
Gwen West (mother-in-law)
Jason West (brother-in-law)
Bryn West (uncle-in-law)
Friend(s) Smithy, 11 more...
Spouse/Partner Stacey West
Hometown Billericay, Essex
Barry, Wales
Portrayed by Matthew Horne

Gavin Shipman is a main character from the TV series, Gavin and Stacey. The show is based around Gavin's relationship with his girlfriend (later wife), Stacey.


He lives with his parents in Billericay, Essex. He is an only child. His best friend is called Smithy, who lives down the road from Gavin. He married his girlfriend Stacey West just over 8 months after their first contact. They first made contact on the phone 6 months before their first meeting, through working for sister companies: Gavin works for a computer company called ICB, while Stacey works for an electronics firm called Bedmores.


He and Smithy attempted to drink every beer around the world within six months. Four months into the scheme, Gavin lost interest in it, putting his first meet with his girlfriend as his priority. Gavin is an avid fan of Tottenham Hotspur, and owns a 2007 Tottenham home shirt, and a 125th anniversary blue/white striped shirt.